Today I would like to tell you about this photo from Iceland.

My visit to Iceland took place in 2013, shortly after making the decision that my artistic projects will be B&W only.

It was a tough decision. At that time I wasn’t so sure that it was the right decision.

I was confused. Iceland is made of colors. Beautiful island of green grass and orange sunsets. I was struggling with my thoughts. I stood there on the hill, felt a cold wind on my cheeks and all doubts were reflected on my face.

But eventually I managed to calm down my thoughts and focus. I saw the severe nature of hot springs, geysers, huge waterfalls and volcanoes.

Unique landscape that I wanted to show from a different perspective. Not covered by spectacular colors.


B&W is not only the desaturated version of color image. Good color images can be unattractive in B&W. 

It is important to know what looks good on the B&W photo.

On the other hand don’t treat this as a limitation, it is the challenge that can improve your creativity.   

In the upcoming days I will start advertising my B&W Lightroom classes. I have planned 7 meetings for autumn and spring sessions in Poland. You can see the details here (in Polish):

Fotografia czarno-biala w Adobe Lightroom

If you are not able to join onsite, you can always sign in for my private lessons online (in English or in Polish):

Lightroom and Photoshop private classes

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